Wednesday, January 26, 2005

I know who you are.
I know where you come from.
I know where you've been.
I know where you're going.
I know why every night you can't seem to shut your eyes.
And every morning you're tired.
I don't know where you sleep. or who with,
But I know you.
I remember you.
I know where you are.
I've been there before.
I know the hole that is eating away at your soul.
I know It's bite.
You do too.
I know you.
I've been in your shoes before.
The ones that leave your feet sore.
I know the sips you take.
I know the stuff you're around.
I know the feelings you feel.
The thoughts you think.
I've been where you are before.
I've been there!
I know you!
I was there once too.
I'm better now.
And now that I see clearly,
The "hole's" shape is rather odd,
Come to find out...
It's shaped like God.

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