Wednesday, May 17, 2006

~My "Gold"~

Oh Pactolus...
Grant me one wish.
For I've sent your friend Silenus to you in good spirits.
One wish I have,
And I'm so certain of it.
Oh Pactolus grant me my gold.
My acres of sin.
Grant me this pleasure.
This ache...
This yellow tin.

A touch from this arm,
This joint,
This finger.
A touch from this hand...
And my god will linger.

Oh Pactolus Grant me my gift.
Grant me one wish!

...What have I done?!?

Dip me in Dionysus...
I'll leave it this scar.
Which I can see from my window,
This gleam from afar.
Wash me over,
and give me health.
Save me from my greif...
Save me from myself.

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