Saturday, January 29, 2005

~Phase Of The Unreal~

Phase into the real.
Like 180's on a wheel.
Remember the feel?
The feel of being unreal?
Of course you do...

Phase into the backdrop.
Like Backing into shadows.
Remember what made you stop?
You took it to the top.
Yeah you did...

Phase into my hands.
Wrap around like elastic bands.
Instead through my fingers like sand.
You make me sink on dry land.
I remember this Lie...

You've said it before.
I've heard it from a thousand lips.
I've had it pulled out.
Torn into a thousand rips.
But I don't care anymore.
I don't dare anymore.
Because It's not there anymore.
It's not inside anymore.
And I just don't care for a whore.

1 comment:

Victim of Life said...

pretty cool poem. did you write it? i think i know who it is to/about. i think it has a pretty catchy rythm to it if you read it while watching the pendulum on your clock! keep 'em coming Cody, it worth typing the address into the go bar to read what you wrote!